About this blog

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. This rare mix of 5 million people in an area the size of London, has lead to a vast array of culinary experiences. As a bit of a foodie, I plan on experiencing as much of this as possible! Plus, as a designer I will be capturing any creative or just intriguing products, packaging and retail outlets I see a long my journey. Enjoy.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Hot Plate and Cash Fire

Hot plate teriyaki steak, but what followed was more interesting. On the walk home, we stumbled across a Chinese festival. We are going to head there on Saturday to find out more, but in the meantime I spoke to one of the guys burning what looked like brand new napkins. We were wondering why? Turns out they are brand new, ornately patterned paper sheets, produced to represent Money and by burning the “money” then they believe the God will bring them wealth.

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