About this blog

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. This rare mix of 5 million people in an area the size of London, has lead to a vast array of culinary experiences. As a bit of a foodie, I plan on experiencing as much of this as possible! Plus, as a designer I will be capturing any creative or just intriguing products, packaging and retail outlets I see a long my journey. Enjoy.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Kaya Toast and Kopi

Our Saturday morning hangover cure.

Kaya is made of eggs, sugar and coconut milk and flavored with Pandan.

Pandan (screwpine pandanus) is a type of tree that grows in tropical areas of Asia. Pandan leaves have a sweet, unique flavor that is commmonly used in Southeast-Asian countries to enhance both desserts and savory dishes. The leaves are long and bright green, and when pounded or ground, they lend a sweet taste and aroma to many Thai desserts and some drinks. They can also be used as a natural replacement for food-coloring, imbuing desserts with a bright shade of green.

Kopi - Malaysian Coffee, made with.... you guest it, evaporated milk!

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