About this blog

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. This rare mix of 5 million people in an area the size of London, has lead to a vast array of culinary experiences. As a bit of a foodie, I plan on experiencing as much of this as possible! Plus, as a designer I will be capturing any creative or just intriguing products, packaging and retail outlets I see a long my journey. Enjoy.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Fish Head Curry

Yes, it's the head, not the body, what do you need that for when you can eat the head!?

I was a bit of a cynic before trying this, but it was actually really good. The curry was full of fresh ingredients, like Tomatoes and Okra, with just the faintest fish flavour. The fish head itself was a Red Mullet, which has a lot of meat on the neck area and the flesh was very meaty and tender. I even tucked into the head, to pull out the cheek meat, apparently it's the second best bit... after the eyes!

Chilli Padi Nonya Restaurant

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